Portable Sawmill

No project is too small or crazy.

Let us come to you to mill your felled wood anywhere in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Contact us for a quote for your Portable Sawmill needs.

Portable Sawmill

Frequently Asked Portable Sawmill Questions

Do you offer portable milling?

Yes. We'll need a 8' by 20' clear and semi flat space to mill. For 36" diameter and under we would use a Wood-Mizer wood mill. Above 36", we'll use a Lucas swing blade or slabber attachment for your job. Let's discuss your project. Give us a call at +1 (831) 818-2260.

What are your prices for wood and for portable milling?

Pricing varies based on quality, character, quantity and size. Redwood is from $4-$10 a board foot. For example, a redwood slab with character 28”- 40” wide x 8’-10’ long would be between $600-$1500. There are many factors in determining the cost of milling: how much room is there? moving equipment? The dimensions of the lumber or lumber list helps with this and a site visit is necessary to complete an estimate. Typically, the job starts at $1,000, but if you have a cool meaningful project we would love to hear about it and break our own rule, just give us a reason! Habitual line steppers over here! :)